Can't find show

I’ve been trying to find Master Chef (the US one) and no matter how I type it,
Master Chef/MasterChef/master chef/masterchef
I can not find it. TIA for any help.

Welcome! Do you mean MasterChef (TV Series 2010- ) — The Movie Database (TMDb)? Then just searching for MasterChef with language set to English works for me.

Edit: After some digging around, I discovered how to share a show from tmbb over to Series Guide. Thank you for the response though, appreciate it very much.

Yes, the current season is #11, MasterChef Legends. I just found it on the page you linked to in your comment. Still learning the ropes of that one, how to mark episodes watched etc. Why does it not show up here though? It’s getting frustrating having to have multiple accounts to multiple apps/pages just to keep track of TV shows. I’ve tried TV Tyme, Series Fad, Futon Critic and now Series Guide and each one can’t keep list of shows let alone episodes current. We stream our tv so really no one universal guide to help keep track of what comes on what day/time etc etc etc.

I am trying to find the show “American Crime”

I try to copy the link above to the search line in Series guide but doesn’t work.

How can I do it?

You need to find it on (TMDB) This is the database SeriesGuide uses.

Thanks. But doesn’t exist in this dB… how can I add?

Isn’t American Crime (TV Series 2015-2017) — The Movie Database (TMDB) the show you are looking for? I can also find it within SeriesGuide: tap + and then enter “American Crime” in the top search bar, then press search on your keyboard. Language (globe symbol) is set to English in my case.

yes it is this one
but I search again and again and I don’t get it
I’ve changed languages also
I’ve only the 3 on the picture both in Seriesguide and Imdb. org

if I paste your link American Crime (TV Series 2015-2017) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

in Seriesguide… I obtain… nothing

It’s the second one. Tap on it for more details, it will not be added already.

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No the 2nd one is not the show
I think it could be the 3rd one but the 3rd one hasn’t pictures and has only one season… instead of 3) :wink:

Pretty sure it is the right one. It’s the same you found on IMDB and TMDB.

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I’m struggling to find and add Master Chef to my shows watched. If I search master chef I. The Series Guide app, nothing shows up
The original poster had the same problem, and it sounds like they managed to import the show from themoviedb somehow, but I can’t figure out how to do that. I can see the show on themoviedb, but in series guide I can’t search for it and I don’t see any way to import a show manually. Can anyone help?

have you tried to search for MasterChef, without a space between the words? I find a lot of results.

Yes. I searched all permutations I could think of. Nothing comes up. What’s odd is that when I search today I’m getting different results than yesterday. It’s very odd behavior

I’m noticing other odd searches too. For example, a different show but America’s Next Top Model only shows up when the search has no spaces, even though the title has spaces. But if I add that show, then it shows up in search with and without spaces

No problem on my SeriesGuide. Maybe a language issue?