48-beta1/2/3 with watched movies tab, black nav bar

To make up for not posting for the first two betas of v48 here is a combo-post for all of them plus the latest one!


  • :star2: Statistics: display number and run time of watched movies. Might be incorrect until movies are updated.



  • :star2: Add watched movies tab. Might show blank items until movies are updated.


  • :wrench: Force black navigation bar on OnePlus devices as well.

  • :wrench: Use white navigation bar on light theme if on Android 8.1 or higher for burn-in protection.

  • :memo: Latest translations from crowdin.


  • :wrench: Force black navigation bar.
  • :wrench: Use darker overlay action and status bar for better readability (movie details).
  • :wrench: Backup screens: show file path below button for better readability.
  • :memo: Latest translations from crowdin.

View all changes at https://github.com/UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide/blob/dev/CHANGELOG.md.

This beta is only available on the Google Play Beta program. Learn how to join at https://github.com/UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide/wiki/Beta.

Thank you everyone, for testing, translating, giving feedback, sending in bugs or contributing code!