50-beta1/2 restores infinite calendar option


  • :wrench: Restore infinite calendar option due to feedback. Defaults to enabled for new and existing users.
  • :hammer: Potential fixes for crashes due to extensions.


  • :wrench: Shows/Movies: move search action left-most as likely most used. Show refresh action on history tabs.
  • :wrench: Show overview: move share action to more options to reduce clutter.
  • :wrench: Episodes list: show sort by action.
  • :hammer: Re-enable crash reporting.

View all changes at https://github.com/UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide/blob/dev/CHANGELOG.md.

This beta is only available on the Google Play Beta program. Learn how to join at https://github.com/UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide/wiki/Beta.

Thank you everyone, for testing, translating, giving feedback, sending in bugs or contributing code!