50-beta3/4 adds subscription tiers for supporters and sponsors

To help me make future updates, instead of just keeping the app running as-is, this release introduces two new subscription tiers. So if you can or want to you can now make a more significant contribution. In return I made the existing subscription cheaper (in most countries) so more people can afford to use Cloud.

Note: existing subscriptions or X Pass purchases remain valid! You can decide to make a (bigger) regular contribution, but you do not have to.



  • :star2: Introduce Sponsor and Supporter subscriptions so people who can or want to can make a more significant contribution. This helps me make future updates.
  • :memo: Rename existing subscription to All Access. Reduced price in most countries for new and existing subscribers so more people can get access to Cloud.
  • :wrench: Move subscriptions to new Google Play billing library.
  • :memo: Latest translations from crowdin.

View all changes at https://github.com/UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide/blob/dev/CHANGELOG.md.

This beta is only available on the Google Play Beta program. Learn how to join at https://github.com/UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide/wiki/Beta.

Thank you everyone, for testing, translating, giving feedback, sending in bugs or contributing!