50-beta5 uses release date region for movies in more places

  • :wrench: The list of popular movies and movie search display release dates depending on the selected region.
  • :wrench: The movie watchlist, collection, watched tab and the details view will start to display the release date depending on the selected region. Preferably the theatrical one.
  • :hammer: Correctly detect active subscription after restarting the app.
  • :hammer: Do not crash if subscription title can not be parsed.
  • :memo: Distribute as Android App Bundle. This means the APK distributed by the Play Store should not be sideloaded, use an universal APK from the website!
  • :memo: Latest translations from crowdin.

View all changes at https://github.com/UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide/blob/dev/CHANGELOG.md.

This beta is only available on the Google Play Beta program. Learn how to join at https://github.com/UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide/wiki/Beta.

Thank you everyone, for testing, translating, giving feedback, sending in bugs or contributing!