61-beta2 has re-watch support fixes

Notable changes in this beta release:

  • :hammer: Do not select skipped episode as next to watch.
  • :hammer: Cloud: on sync update last watched episode to correctly determine next to watch on all devices.
  • :hammer: Cloud: do not fail when uploading a lot of movies.
  • :memo: Latest translations from Crowdin.

View the full change log on GitHub.

This update is only available on the Google Play Beta program. Learn how to join.

Thank you everyone, for testing, translating, giving feedback, sending in bugs or contributing!

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Thanks for the fixes, Uwe! Does the rewatching support extend to trakt.tv sync, or is it specific to seriesguide cloud users? I still don’t see shows on my Unwatched tab that have been watched before and are mid-rewatch. For example, Hannibal:

The Overview tab indicates there’s no next episode:

But watch count puts me in early season 3:

And if I check trakt.tv, it does know where I am:

Thanks for any insight!

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For this to work properly the last watched episode needs to be updated. That currently only works with Cloud. I have not found a good way to support this with Trakt, yet. It should update the next episode correctly once setting an episode watched on that device.

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Got it. Thanks! I’ll cross my fingers you can work out a way to make it work with Trakt someday!