Add Notes to show/movie page

Hi there. I was thinking…
Is there a way we can add notes to movies/series? Most times when I add a movie to my Watchlist, I usually need to add a personal info (a short note which might be a link, a name of a cinema, whom I want to go with, etc). I think it’ll be great if this “Add Notes” feature is added to the app.

Also, it should be backed up alongside the other data if SeriesGuide backup is turned on. Nothing lengthy, just at most 300 characters per note or less.


Currently not possible, thanks for the suggestion!

+1 for this

Writing (intern/personal) notes to series/movies is still not possible, is it?

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This would be a very nice feature. Sometimes I forget why I added a show or movie to my watch list so the note would come in handy.

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