Adding to watchlist or collection fails for free Trakt users

This only affects you if SeriesGuide on your device is connected to a Trakt account without a VIP subscription (“free user”).

As announced by the people at Trakt on 2025-01-21, free users can add less movies to their watchlist and collection:

Free users are now limited to 100 items in their watchlists and collections, down from previous limits.

If your Trakt account has reached these limits, adding a show or movie to the watchlist or collection in SeriesGuide will fail with an error message like

“Watchlist is full, remove something first.”

(The error message is misleading, it should probably just say “List is full”. I will update it in a future update.)

Ouch! This is really going to change the way I use Seriesguide.

So, just to understand the impact of this… When I now mark an episode as Collected in Seriesguide, it is not adding it to my Trakt collection (silently, there is no error message) but the episode is marked as Collected within Seriesguide on my phone. Will Seriesguide maintain that Collected status on that device, but not sync that status to other devices?

Are you likely to consider storing the Watchlist and Collected statuses under people’s Seriesguide accounts instead of their Trakt accounts?

I love SeriesGuide, I also loved Trakt before this crap limitations.
Is there a way to get rid of Trakt and use a different service within SeriesGuide that has no similar limitations?

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There should be an error message (though it currently incorrectly refers to the watchlist, which will be fixed with a future update). Let me know if that is not the case. I added a task to look at and maybe improve the current behavior, but I’ve been busy with other things for now.

If connected only to Trakt, then no. The next sync will always restore to what is in your Trakt profile (“source of truth”).

If connected to SeriesGuide Cloud, then yes. As in that case actions are only sent to Trakt, but never downloaded.

Sorry, Trakt is the only third party service that SeriesGuide integrates with.

The other alternatives are to use SeriesGuide Cloud or backup/restore using files. But that only works with SeriesGuide.