Thanks for reporting! It appears since mid September Trakt servers are returning errors (HTTP 502) for some users on some days (not seeing a pattern there).
I suggest to try again later. If you notice it only happens for a specific show, let me know which one and I can check.
Since 3 Days i have the same Message on trying to add Last Chance U Basketball to my List. It says that trackt could not be contacted but i do not use trakt…
If i try to add another show i get the same error.
I too am unable to add any new shows due to the Trakt issue. I read the work around to unlink our Trakt accounts, but I have never even added a Trakt account. Is there any other method to fix this?
I’m getting the same but when I disconnected my trakt then signed back in I keep getting something went wrong. Check your trakt credentials and try again. Not a password issue as when I type it wrong it’ll tell me invalid password and I changed on trakt site a few times and same messages and will not add new shows even though it says connect trakt so it’s not connected
Now that Trakt API is back, everything seems to be fine except for the shows I marked in Seriesguide during the last week.
While Trakt API was down, I was still marking episodes as watched in Seriesguide, hoping that it will sync the status (with proper date and timestamp) when the API comes back. In the meantime, I disconnected Trakt API based on your suggestion although that did not fix the issue.
Now that API is back, I can add new shows and their episodes as watched, which is properly syncing with Trakt. But all those episodes that were marked as watched during the Trakt downtime, don’t appear to be synced with Trakt. I even tried the Sync and Download all option but nothing happens.
Is there anything I can do with Seriesguide to sync those episodes or should I go to Trakt website and mark them as watched manually?
I came here to make exactly the same comments. I’m having an identical experience as @naveenjn.
At this point, it looks as though I’ll either have to mark the non-synced episodes as unplayed then re-mark them as played in SeriesGuide or, alternatively, go onto the Trakt site and manually mark the episodes as played (as Naveen proposes). This won’t be a huge job but I’m also interested to know of any other way of doing this.