I wonder if the way release dates of movies are determined could be improved. Currently, there are some inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the way this is done in SeriesGuide.
Here is one example, but there are many others in my collection:
Search for movie “Doctor Who” (TmdbId:15691). The first result shows up like this with a date of 14 May 1996:
I have the Release Times country set to United States. This choice is global across all movies (I think) and doesn’t always match the first release date of the movie that TMDB, IMDB, and Trakt use.
I would prefer to be able to choose something like “First Release” or “Premiere” for release times instead of a speciic country release.
One more example for reference … “Grave of the Fireflies” (TmdbId:12477). This is a 1988 movie, but shows up in SeriesGuide with a date of 12 Auguest 2018.
This is because TMDB decides what date to provide when doing a search. For the movie details screen SeriesGuide can afford to download all release dates of a movie from TMDB and pick one that makes sense (but there are limitations). See the code documentation:
Thanks for the reply, and I see the logic you’re following in the code.
I guess I’m asking if there could be a change made such that - instead of selecting a specific country as the “release region” - I could choose “First Release” or “Premiere” (or similar) which would ignore countries and just pick the first theatrical release anywhere. This would generally get a date closer to the release year you might see in IMDB.
In general, I don’t care what date a movie was released in the United States or New Zealand or another specific country - I’m more interested in when it was first released.