Spoilers: Add an option to show details temporarily (manually)

Add an option to show details (episode name, overview and episode image) temporarily (manually, tap or long press to show), or add an sub-option under Prevent spoilers, which prevents tapping details (episode name, overview and episode image) accidentally when Prevent spoilers option enabled.

Actually I mention it in The episode image can be still opened even if `Prevent spoilers` option enabled · Issue #821 · UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide · GitHub and The episode image can be still opened even if `Prevent spoilers` option enabled · Issue #821 · UweTrottmann/SeriesGuide · GitHub


Thanks for the suggestion!

I would also like this option. Also, an option to disable spoiler blocking for special episodes might be nice. Those are often more behind the scenes things and less story focused, and so I often have to go looking up what the details are on trakt when I encounter them to decide whether I want to watch or skip it. Either tapping to reveal details or just skipping the spoiler filter on special episodes would solve this.