Watch in Kodi button?

Hi there.
Are there any extensions/addons/plugins that allow SeriesGuide to show a “Watch movie/tvshow in Kodi”?
Thanks in advance.

Hello! I guess is what you are looking for?

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I tried to set up Kodi on my smartphone and I couldn’t. Even searching on Google does not teach you how to configure SeriesGuide and the extension with Kodi. It would be nice to have a tutorial from SeriesGuide support itself, what do you think? :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m sorry, but I think the extension will only work if Kodi is running on a different device.

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I did not create the extension nor have I any experience with Kodi. You would have to ask the developer of the extension to provide (additional) instructions.

Also see the answer of @flabbamann.