Watched episodes still showing in list

When I click watched on an episode of a tv show in the app the episodes disappear from my list (under series - added, where I filter)

But when I have watched an episode as watched in trakt, and it syncs with seriesguide the episodes shows as watched, but does not disapperar from my “added list” as it would if I had manually marked it as seen inside the app.

To get the episodes to disappear from the list I have to mark it unseen, and seen again inside the app.

Thanks for reporting!

Can you clarify what you mean by disappear? Does the next episode displayed below the show title not update?

Side note: the next episode displayed for shows should get updated in the background each time when viewing the Added list.

I have watched episode 1x05 of a series. This was synced by my mediaplayer to, and then synced to SeriesGuide.

If I open the Added list I see that the next episode to watch is 1x05, but If I click in to the episode list of the series ir will tell me that 1x05 is marked as watched.

The problem is that It’s still showing as next episode I should watch. I have to mark it unwatched and then watched again in SeriesGuide to get it to not show this episode in Added list